Product Overview - Reporting  

Features / Benefits   Standard Report Sample

cyberREN comes equipped with a selection of approximately 50 standard reports, which can be called up, previewed and printed by any authorized cyberREN user. These reports are text based and are printed on a local printer or network printer in portrait or landscape format. Reports for the following chart sections are available:

Lab results - reports in many formats are available, for example 1) organized by group for a specified date range (single or multiple patients), 2) months flow sheet for a single patient, 3) the most recent results for all patients in a specific treatment modality, 4) exceptions / alerts / abnormal lab results.

Order Report - documents a single Physician’s Order for the paper chart.

Progress Notes - a list of progress notes charted over the previous 3 months arranged in inverse chronological order.

Event Summary - a list of significant events that have occurred within a specified date range.

Hemodialysis Treatment - a guide for nursing staff carrying out a hemodialysis treatment including; hemodialysis prescription, medications to be administered, recent lab results, pertinent nurses notes.

Treatment Summary - a summary of the completed hemodialysis session, including days prescription, dialysis log, heparin log, and other chart elements.

Education Record - a list of all education records attended by the patient.

Nutrition Record - a summary of the most recent information charted by the nutritionists.

Transplant Workup - a list of transplant workup items for a specific patient, with the associated status.





User Defined Report Sample