Product Overview - cyberREN OFFICE  
cyberREN OFFICE is highly automated with progress note charting, automatic data retrieval, standard phrase selection, voice input, and recommended service coding for billing. cyberREN OFFICE comes with comprehensive service, installation, training and 24/7 telephone pager service.


  • Comprehensive alerts system with monthly personnel schedules, daily to do list, including daily appointment details.
  • Automated capture of all billable events through normal charting activities, link to billing system includes correct coding, service justification parameters and supporting patient demographic information. cyberFUNDS Brochure
  • Document automation export to colleagues, GP’s, regulatory agencies, incidents charting and reporting. 
  • Standard medications formulary, standard coding systems e.g. ICD-9 and others.
  • Clinic schedule definition one year and more into the future.

CML’s support staff are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through a pager service, with a guaranteed ½ hour response time. From our offices, our staff is able to access cyberREN technical installations all over the world, to implement diagnostic and corrective activity where required within a very short time interval.


cyberREN OFFICE Brochure

A stand alone system which can serve the charting needs of a single office practice or a number of related offices, and provides a complete suite on nephrology office charting functions.

P r i c e  C o m p e t i t i v e

Comprehensive Nephrology Based, Charting, Scheduling, and Record-Keeping System

C u r r e n t 

On-Going Product Development

C o m p l i a n t

With the Changing Needs of your Private Practice

S e r v i c e  F o c u s e d

24/7 Telephone Support Pager Service


ASP Acquisition Model

The ownership of the servers and software licenses is with Cybernius Medical Ltd.

Your private practice incurs a low capital outlay and forwards a low monthly access fee to CML instead of having a significant outlay for capital acquisition.

All medical data retained on the cyberREN OFFICE servers is owned by the client facility


P r a c t i c e  M a n a g e m e n t

Patient Demographics & Summaries

Practice Schedule

Charge Capture

Electronic Lab Results Import

Scanned Documents

Automated Document Generation

M e d i c a l  F u n c t i o n s

Patient Histories, Problem list

Encounter Charting / Progress Notes

Laboratory Results / Trends

Ordering – Medications, Procedures

Charting -  HD & PD Access, Peritonitis

T r a n s p l a n t a t i o n

Transplant-work up / Follow-up

Cross-match testing / HLA typing

Biopsies / Rejection Episodes