Nephrology Specific EMR systems for 30 Years

CML provides a number of services to assist the new user in converting from the existing system of charting to the cyberREN system as smoothly as possible.

After the conversion, CML provides a number of services to maximize the benefit to the client of the cyberREN system over time. This will of course involve changes in the client’s clinical and administrative processes, which are the natural consequence of improvements in efficiency, safety and charting rigor / usage.

Consulting prior to training qualified CML clinical personnel review current operating procedures (all disciplines) and client chart documentation and establish equivalents/improvements to cyberREN features. Clients are enabled to improve operating procedures once the cyberREN system is installed.

Deployment CML technical staff review the required infrastructure and technical components to be purchased with a client. On site, the cyberREN software is deployed and all communication links to ancillary systems established.

Training all clinical and administrative staff experience discipline specific training at various levels. CML staff remain onsite for hands-on assistance during the first week of actual cyberREN usage.

Ongoing software maintenance on the basis of client feedback and industry trends, CML provides updates to the cyberREN system and third party licenses on an annual basis. These updates address regulatory changes, opportunities for further charting safety and efficiency, new dialysis machines and other technology entering the market, etc it

Client support qualified technical personnel are available to answer any questions regarding cyberREN usage and function on a 24x7 basis.